Trick or treat for Forge of Empires, Elvenar and Grepolis get ready for Halloween

Time for ‘trick or treat’ with our upcoming Halloween events in Forge of Empires, Elvenar and Grepolis. Ancient Greece will welcome the spooky time of the year first with the event in Grepolis running from today to November 1st. Forge of Empires will host its dedicated questline event from October 23rd to November 6th. Elvenar will be the last of the trio to include its Halloween questline event starting October 30th. Trick or treat for Forge of Empires, Elvenar and Grepolis for Halloween.
During the Halloween event in Grepolis, players will collect up to 8 different ingredients to create powerful recipes or summon mighty incantations. Ingredients can be collected by performing every day in game actions like upgrading buildings. Besides rewards for the player’s cities a daily and overall ranking lets the players compete for special rewards like the Grand Master award which will only become available for the overall top 4 players.

Forge of Empires’s Halloween questline will consist of 5 scary horror stories each of which is centered around a particular horror tale, like the ghost bride or zombie. Players will get the avatars of those monsters by finishing the stories and the counter quest reward. In addition to the new characters, players will also discover new items like the Dark Doorway, a special building which will be the final reward for the questline.

Elvenar’s Halloween story starts with a mysterious headless person running through Elvenar's fields. To solve the mystery and help the headless man to reassemble his body and head, players have to master 35 quests. They will be rewarded with a special building at the end: The Headless Halloween, which provides a strong culture and population bonus.

Prepare yourself for the most frightening events of the year and, most importantly, don't stop looking behind you: You never know when the headless man might appear... Happy Halloween!
Grepolis is a free to play Browser MMO RST multipratform game.
Forge of Empires is a Free-to-play Online Strategy Game, FoE is a cross-platform game.
Elvenar os a beautiful Fantasy city bulder Free to Play MMORTS Cross-platform game.
Source Innogames - Elvenar