Elsword Adds a New Dungeon: Elrianode

Elsword is a free-to-play, online action RPG that uses classic side-scrolling beat ‘em up gameplay mechanics and deep customization to bring a unique manga experience to life.
Elsword Adds a New Dungeon Elrianode


Elrianode is the next chapter in Elsword. The free to play action MMORPG has just received a new content update introducing the first in a series of new updates set in a new land: Elrian. This update brings PvP events, a new city and a brand-new dungeon: Elrianode.

"Elrianode, the great Capital City thought lost to the myth of the Great Explosion, a story 500 years old materializes, seething from the mist of decay and bygone parables."

This is the first update of a series that will expand upon the lore and landscape. Watch the trailer:

Source: KOK Games - Elsword

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