Call of War Christmas Starter Pack

Bytro Labs GmbH publisher of Call of War collaboration with, to bring you this starter pack value 10€/10$ for new users, win 31 days Premium account and 25.000 Goldmark for FREE, valid until December 31st to celebrate the Christmas for this cross-platfomr Free to Play MMORTS game and Available for all players.
Step 1. Never miss a giveaway by following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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Step 2. Head to Call of War for PC, For iOS Call of War iOS and for Android users go to Call of War Android in order to signup and create a new account. Call of War Black Friday 2022.
Step 3. Available for all players: Enjoy our black Friday offers and additional content on Goldmark and High Command account packages happening from Nov 24th until November 28th!
Call of War World War2 Strategy Online Online Game Cross-platform Free-to-Play Game MMORTS
Call of War is a free to player MMO strategy, Call of War puts players in the command seat as they are leaders of their country at the beginning of WW2, able to rewrite history as they choose who they shall fight and who they shall become allies of in exciting PVP real time combat.
Play COWW2 on your PC and mobile devices (iOS and Android)