Full makeover for Aisha and Raven in Elsword

Elsword's Season 2 update series continues with Aisha and Raven. These two characters gets a complete makeover with new English voices, new skill trees, new looks and other elements.
The latest content update features a full makeover for the two characters. From their in-game models and illustrations, rebalances to power and effectiveness and application to a number of casts/skills. In addition, both characters have received a refined basic attack.

Their skill trees now include new character information, character intro, primary skill upgrades and skills that players can learn sorted according the skills' level.
To celebrate this update, Elsword is hosting an event that will finish on January 26 where players can play as one of these two characters for a chance to win K-Ching and commemorative stuff. Players can log onto the game, create both Aisha and Raven characters and play for two hours each.
Watch the video to see Aisha and Raven in action:
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Source: KOG Games press Release.