Dragon Awaken Giveaway

Dragon Awaken Giveaway F2P
Dragon Awaken Giveaway

F2P.com and R2Games / F5Game have partnered up with Dragon Awaken to offer this FREE code giveaway for new users.

This Dragon Awaken code rewards the following:Diamond*300,Material Pack*10,Gold Sack (Big)*5

Step 1. Never miss a giveaway by following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

And Follow us in Instagram Instagram F2P.com

Step 2. Complete the captcha, then add your email to the field above (beside the “Get Your Key” button). You can only sign up once for this giveaway. If it's the first time you use our system please check your email to validate it and add again the same mail in the field above.

Step 3. Sign up for Dragon Awaken, create one account and login.

Step 4. When you get a code, please click “Events” - “Activation Code Exchange” and put the code in the box, click ”Exchange” to get the gifts!

Step 5. When you put the code and exchange it but get some system hints to prevent you from using it, don’t worry, just read the following tips! - Make sure that you are playing on r2games.com platform. - Hints: “You already claimed this kind of pack” means that you have got gifts from this code or have used other codes of the same kind of pack. - Hints: “Activation Code incorrect or expired” means that maybe you have put the code with some letters wrong in it, so please double check you gift code. It’s better to copy / paste it to avoid typo errors.

Dragon Awaken is a free to play browser-based MMO

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