Genre: Free to play SciFi MMORPG
Platform: Windows
Developed By: MGame
This free to play MMORPG is set in a future world where to mighty factions, the nature loving Floressiah and the tech embracing Noblians divided by their opposing philosophies, are locked in an endless war over a powerful resource called Earthdium.
Main Features
- Two huge factions to choose from with distinctly different philosophies and ways of life
- Eight classes to play from in both factions
- Action based pvp across the world and in various battlefields and also dungeons
- Travel in both land and air vehicles that can hold up to 10 players
- A vast huge world made up of 80 territories, 20 dungeons with over 3500 quests to take on
During the 23rd century the world was devastated and what had come to be its fourth world War, where not only cities have been wiped out but entire continents had been reformed. Rising from the ashes of this crumbled civilisation to rebuild their world rose the steampunk, tech-savvy Noblian and the mysterious, nature-loving Floressiah.
Playable Classes
in the game players can choose from eight classes, each faction has their own version of the same class which differs slightly in skills and look.
Floressiah Classes: Defender, Elementalist, Taurus, Sagittarius, Warlock, Rogue, Druid and Shaman
Noblian Classes: Protector, Scholar, Warrior, Explorer, Bomber, Chaser, Priest and Paladin
Defender & Protector: can protect their companions when under enemy attack
Elementalist & Scholar: with lower defences they make good use of their pistol to deal damage
Taurus & Warrior: using long spears as their main weapon they can quickly dispatch their foes
Sagittarius & Explorer: both are equipped with ranged rifle attacks
Warlock & Bomber: putting their heavy artillery to good use to take down multiple targets
Rogue & Chaser: using their double sword they are able to attack swiftly and deadly
Druid & Priest: able to heal their companions
Shaman & Paladin: are able to summon monsters to give aid in battle
Earthdium Resource
this powerful resource is used in all aspects of ARGO Online, from building up a powerful character, shielding dangerous machines and mystical contraptions, it is used through the game in various different ways. Earthdium can be acquired through many different means look typically is earned through completing quests and killing enemies.
System Requirement
Operating System: Windows XP (32bit) / Windows Vista (32bit) / Windows 7 (32 or 64bit)
processor: IntelCore2 Duo (Core i5)
memory: 512MB RAM
Hard Drive Space: 5 GB
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 2x Series or Nvidia GeForce 8 series

ARGO Online
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