First Look at Black Gold Online with Commentary

Time to try Black Gold Online, a new fantasy meets steampunk MMORPG from Snail Games USA where players are able to choose from two opposing factions on the brink of war: the technologically driven Isenhorst who have mastered steam driven machines and the more natural magically enriched Erlandir.

The game takes many aspects of today’s common MMORPGs and promises intensive PVP battles using mounts that double up as your own personal battle Carrier (either the sheen driven for the Isenhorst races or mounted beasts for the Erlandir).

In our play test we checked out the first 10 levels of content for the Dwarven faction, playing as a Punisher (accidentally) will we got to drive our own Carrier and fight a Magma beast unloading round after round into its fiery surface. We cruise around our own personal motorbike and got to witness the Dwarven capital where we uncovered a grisly murder. Check out the video to see what else we found out about this new MMORPG.

If you wish to know more about this title, feel free to click on the "info" button below.

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