May 22, 2012 12:15 ( F2P News )
Mail.RU Games begins rolling out the next phase of their free to play from anywhere without any downloads fast paced PVP war title,
Riot Zone. The new content explosion started in mid-April and stretches to today; the update includes everything from shop and map redesigns to new missions, increased Commander levels, and plenty more.
Several game mechanics have been updated, including the Prison building system. Gone is the 20 minute interval, replaced by a 3-hour cooldown for higher level Prisons. The Camp Bars effect has been notably increased, another feature designed to alleviate the casual players woes. Level 20 players now have their own unique quest, which when completed provides players with a 72-hour VIP status. The laboratory is also producing improved versions of a number of supplies, including grenades, medicines, and equipment. All this unlocks at level 20.