Pockie Pirates has released the update "Chapter II: The Beloved Mr. 2"
NGames, has released the update "Chapter II: The Beloved Mr. 2" for their pirate-inspired MMO, Pockie Pirates.The update introduces the ability for players to transform into any character they recruit into their crew, as well as a new logbook system to make crew recalls easier to manage.
The "Pirate Group System" takes crew interaction a step further, adding epic group battles and extra team work contribution options to the side-scrolling pirate RPG. Players can band their crew of NPC's together with their friends, forming massive legions capable of dominating the high seas. Players must reach level 30 before they can create a legion and lead the development of a group of pirates. Development options and gameplay benefits for joining a pirate legion include aggressive territory expansion, revenue increases, extra trade, and the ability to earn more prestige in battle.
To celebrate the launch of Pockie Pirates Chapter 2: The Beloved Mr. 2, NGames are rewarding players with free gifts for putting the new Logbook system through its paces. Pirates who 'Lighten' between 10 40 crew members will earn themselves free training potions, shells, cards and more.