Fractured Online Free Week

Jump into the fray and begin your adventure through the world of Fractured Online!
Gamigo and Dynamight Studios are excited to announce the free week for the first truly dynamic, isometric open-world MMORPG Fractured Online begins today at 7am PDT and ends on May 31, 2022 at 7am PDT.

The free week marks the first time Fractured Online’s closed beta has been available to players completely for free and without any restrictions. Free week players can be who they want – through the game’s unique character progression system – and start to shape the world the way they want. This can be done figuratively via the game’s player-driven economy or literally by building cities across current available continents. At this stage in development, only the Human race is available to play, but future updates will welcome the peaceful and PVE centric Wildfolk and the fearsome and PVP centered Demons along with their respective worlds.

“We are really excited to open up Fractured Online to everyone for an entire week,” says Jacopo Gallelli, Co-Founder and CEO at Dynamight Studios. “Feedback from our community is what drives us to update and improve the game every single day. Now that we are welcoming more players, Fractured Online can only improve further from here on out to become one of the great MMORPGs of a generation.”

A special Council of Elysium stream will kick off the start of Fractured Online’s free week at 9pm CEST / 12pm PST / 3pm EST. Viewers will join Arcahem and Knilpu as they share the latest happenings in the game and also face the fearsome Obsidian Rupture once again!

About Dynamight Studios
Dynamight Studios is an indie game development studio based in Milan, Italy. Its mission is to innovate the world of sandbox MMOs by opening it up to audiences that have been cut off from what it believes is the most exciting online game genre - and one with exceptional growth perspectives, too. The studio is working to bring Fractured Online, its flagship game, to the global market. Fractured Online promises to breathe new life into the sandbox MMO genre with an all-new approach to inter-world gameplay, character progression and player settlement management.
Source; Gamigo - Fractured Online - Dynamight Studios