Dragomon Hunter introduces us the Dragomon

Some of the Dragomon which we can see in the video are:
- Darkslate Reptilion - This Beastomon is protected by heavy plates of bone and sharp spines. When is attacked uses its massive tail to destroy their enemies.
- Toxroach - This Insectomon with wings is very fast and at the same time powerful, because their charges can cause a lot of damage.
- Fungal Croaker - This Hidromon with frog appearance has a colorful mushroom growing on its back; but that is not all, their bites are very dangerous and poisonous, so it is a good idea to keep some distance.
- Dracofowl - This Drakemon inhabits inside the Viridian Forest and has a beautiful plumage and a bright Ruby in its forehead, which can be used to to dazzle its foes.
Source: Aeria Games Press release.