has started the second closed beta of its anime-themed online collectible card game, Sword Girls has beginned the second closed beta of its anime-themed online collectible card game, Sword Girls.The beta test is expected to continue through Monday, December 19. All beta participants will receive 3,000 tokens and an all-new "Blade Tutor Grace" card.
Remember that you can get a closed beta giveaway here.
Among the many changes in this beta test are improvements to the in-game tutorial system, including additional tutorial prompts in useful areas, improved starter decks, rebalanced dungeons and additional servers to accommodate the influx of new players.
"We are indebted to all the fans who participated in the first closed beta for providing invaluable feedback," said Jeffrey Shen, Producer on Sword Girls. "Players can expect major updates and improvements in this beta that will greatly enhance their gameplay experience."