The Settlers Online, Exclusive First Look Video

Join us as we take a first look at Settlers Online (also known as Castle Empire in USA) from Ubisoft, a free to play city /settlement management game that puts you in control of your own settlement and island to conquer, fighting off bandits and making somewhere to call home in this all-round family friendly PVE strategy.
We jumped right in at the deep end with our first look, bypassing all the new tutorials we started at level XXI with a half built settlement… probably not our best idea, they have tutorials for a reason so we didn’t know what we were looking at half the time, but hey I’m a guy and real men don’t use instructions (which is why my IKEA furniture is crooked).
In all seriousness it’s a pretty casual game which on the surface is actually fairly easy to play and get to grips with even without the tutorial, we managed to get by and find our way around the various screens in no time. The menus and user interface are pretty sleek and simple and extremely easy to navigate.
Players get to build all aspects of their settlement from the various buildings that their people require to finding resource is from lumber, food and or from mines, to even raising their own military army unit by unit. The concept is purely PVE however players are encouraged to trade and act diplomatically with the rest of the community and help each other to build up their settlements.
Monitor your resources and keep track of what you are lacking and running out of, that’s pretty much the key to success in the game, and where you can’t locate for yourself what you need, you can always use the online trade post to trade with other players.
The game itself is a nice spin-off of the Settlers series seeming to be pretty true to the franchise, it’s simple, it’s colourful, it’s quirky; it’s Settlers. Check out the video where we make some beer, find some collectables, and show the militaristic aptitude of General Custer…. yeah, it was that bad.