First Look at Shadowbound

First Look at Shadowbound with English Commentary
First Look at Shadowbound with English Commentary


Shadowbound, latest R2 Games' title, enters Open Beta today and for 6 days it will be available for players to test. We, however, got the chance to play it last week and today we bring you a first look gameplay commentary video, so you can watch what this new game looks like.

The game offers a wide variety of mechanics and features, prizes and giveaways, gear, abilities and companions all to build up your heroes overall power as players uncover a wider story arc that will take them across a magical fantasy realm.

In the game we check out the first 20 levels of gameplay, looking through the features, fighting a few bad guys and generally checking out what the game is about and what we can expect when it is finally released. Check out the video to see how we got along and what we thought of the game itself.


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