Gost Recon and Assassin’s creed cross promotion

Ubisoft just announced a very interesting cross promotion between 2 of its IPs, Ghost Recon Online and Assassin's Creed, in order to celebrate the upcoming release of the Assassin’s Creed III DLC pack The Tyranny of King Washington: The Infamy available on Xbox 360, PC and PlayStation3 on February 19.

With this promotion, Ghost Recon Online's players will be able to equip their character with some new Assassin's Creed-themed equipment pieces:
- 5 new Recon class apparel items : The signature Assassin’s Creed Hood and 4 variants of body armor
- 6 new weapons straight from the weapon racks of Abstergo Industries’ private security forces (F2000 SP AC, Fiveseven AC, MG36 KV AC, P90 C AC, Sentinel SR-1 AC, Pentagun SP AC). These firearms boast superior accuracy and improved recoil control systems.
The new items will be purchasable both with real money and in-game currency and will be available from February 19 to March 1.

Source of informations: Ubisoft press release.