Gamigo celebrates 20 years

This month, gamigo is turning 20 years old and kicks off the party with exciting events in all their games, giveaways and much more.
Bring out the balloons! Throughout October, players can look forward to a plethora of events in their games and participate in exciting contests on the gamigo Anniversary website. Here, they can compete with other communities to unlock valuable rewards by joining numerous weekly in-game challenges.
20 years of gamigo: gamers for life; family forever! #gamigo20 video here on
gamigo’s story is an exciting one, leading the company from a game review website in the early 2000s to one of the leading publishers of online MMOs in Europe and North America, releasing worldwide hits including Grand Fantasia and Fiesta Online on the way. The company constantly expands its diverse portfolio to give players of all genres something to dive into and develops new solutions for the dynamic games market, such as their latest Unchained version of its fantastical MMORPG ArcheAge, which just recently celebrated its first birthday as well.

Using the hashtag #gamigo20, players can share their most memorable experience in their favorite gamigo game and win an exclusive anniversary Hoodie to commemorate the celebration.
Here you have all the list of the games are some promotion for #gamigo20
Trove; Trove Free-to-Play Voxel MMO Adventure Game.
Aura Kingdom; Aura Kingdom free-to-play Anime MMORPG game, featuring strong PVE elements on the game.
ArcheAge; ArcheAge Dantasy Sandbox MMORPG Free to Play from Trion Worlds and Gamigo.
Desert Operations; Desert Operations Free2Play Military browser-based Game, MMORTS.
Fiesta Online; Fiesta Online free-to-play Anime roleplaying game MMORPG.

Grand Fantasia; Grand Fantasia is a free2play Massively Multiplayer Online role-playing game - MMORPG
Rift; Rift the ultimate fantasy MMORPG from Trion Worlds and Gamigo.
Defiance 2050; Defiance 2050 is a free-to-play Online Shooter for PC, Console and Steam Game.
Last Chaos; Last Chaos is a 3D Fantasy MMORPG Game.
Shaiya; Shaiya is a Free-to-Play Fantasy MMORPG for PC, from Aeria Games and Gamigo.
Twin Saga; Twin Saga is a Free2Play Anime MMO game for Aeria Games and Gamigo.
WolfTeam; WolfTeam Free to Play Online FPS game for PC.
Eden Eternal; Eden Eternal, is a Free to Play Anime MMORPG Game form Aeria Games and Gamigo.
Kings and Legends; Kings and Legends Free to Play Trading Card MMORPG Game.
War2Glory; War2Glory is a real-time MMO broser-based game, Military game of World War II.
The Rats; The Rats is a Free-to-Play multiplataform game for mobile (Android and iOS) and Facebook game.
Source: Gamigo - ArcheAge - Grand Fantasia - Trove - Twin Saga - Rift - Ironsight - Shaiya