Total War Battles: Kingdom Welcomes The Vikings


Total War Battles: Kingdom has received a major content update introducing the brand new viking units, new features, and several gameplay improvements, such as a new PvP matchmaking system or skill resets. The update, dubbed 'Viking Explorers', is now live across all platforms, so players can already enjoy it.

A new game mode is being added with this update, Viking Outspots, which allows players to explore uncharted islands and colonize new lands while searching for resources and gold. There will be weekly competitions that will offer players great rewards.

Additionally, Viking Explorers brings to the game a new Flood Relief system that helps players to fight the forces of nature.

If you want to know more, check out the following video:

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One Comment - "Total War Battles: Kingdom Welcomes The Vikings"

  1. Cassie July 19, 2016 at 11:49 PM -

    That’s an inigoenus way of thinking about it.

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