C9 introduces Sixth Continent of Raebin

In continuation of the third expansion, Webzen has just announced to release the Sixth Continent of Raebin for its dungeon-based MMORPG, Continent of the Ninth Seal (C9). From August 21 onwards, players will be able to explore Raebin and to fight the monsters that invaded this thrilling new sixth continent of Glenheim. The publisher will additionally host a massive competition for a brand new Eurocom M3 Gaming Super-Notebook.

C9 players are once more tasked to save Glenheim from destruction. To do so, they have to fight their way through each level of the Guardian’s Tower situated in the sixth continent of Raebin which was invaded by the evil Nefer and his army in search for Tertis’ Heart, a special power protected by the water dragon, Artesia.

The Guardian’s Tower features 20 levels and three major dungeons, the first of which will be available on August 21. The game’s upcoming expansion will also bring an increased level cap of 65 and a new class of epic items, which have the potential to overpower other items in the game.

In celebration of the Sixth Continent of Raebin, Webzen is teaming up with Eurocom to host a massive monster-hunting competition that will reward players for defeating one of the game’s event monsters with a chest of items containing random items and a special Eurocom coupon. The player with the most coupons by the end of the competition will win a brand new M3 Gaming Super-Notebook, featuring discrete video and extreme processors.

Source of information: Webzen press release.

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